Support Resurrection Lutheran Church in Cambridge
You can support Resurrection Lutheran Church through on-line donations with credit/debit cards. You can earmark your donation and follow the link below to the CAF’s Charity Donation Service, which is a secure site (this will be in a new window).
All donations given for a specific purpose may be used for other purposes if it is not possible to use them for the original, stated purpose. In this event we will apply the donation to an activity as close as possible to the original, stated purpose.
If you are a UK Taxpayer you can increase any donation by 25% at no cost to yourself through the Gift Aid Scheme provided you have paid sufficient UK tax to cover this amount of tax. All you need to do is click the appropriate button on the page as you enter your donation details. Also if you are a higher-rate taxpayer you will also be able to claim tax relief for the difference between lower and the higher tax rates.

CAF has a special fund for American donors who pay taxes in both UK and USA, so that you can give to UK campaigns and claim tax relief. Please follow this link to find CAF service.